For children and teens, Brenthaven hosts two groups, Youth/ROCKS and Kids of the Kingdom (KOK). Activities throughout the year include: lock-ins, fall and spring retreats, mission trips, youth Sunday, fundraisers, children's choir, a Christmas play, and handbell choir - just to name a few. Many youth also attend church camps, the Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference and the Presbyterian Youth Triennium at Purdue University.
Young @ Heart is a senior group that meets the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays for cards, games, and lunch. They have also taken a few group trips.
The Brenthaven Women's Ministry offers women a time for fellowship, study, and raise money for family-oriented charities.
The Men's Fellowship meets monthly for fellowship and study.
The BookEnd Bookclub meets once a month to review a wide assortment of books as voted on by the group
Finally, the entire family is invited to our fellowship dinners - an assortment of cookouts, catered meals and potluck dinners held once per month (typically the first Wednesday of the month). These are held in conjunction with Wednesday Night Special or sometimes as a stand alone event.